Tuesday, September 30, 2014

4th Grade Geometry - classifying triangles

One class I have always been amazed by is my 4th grade Geometry class.  These students learn middle school math in 4th grade!  We start small but by the time the end of the semester these kids are rocking some real skills - in just 17 classes.

One of the 5th & 6th grade skills we start with is classifying triangles based on their angles and the lengths of their sides.  Most of the students are doing well with this, however some need more practice.  Here is a study guide that you can work on with your student to help them master this content:

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

3rd & 5th Grade Coding Class

This semester in both 3rd and 5th grade I am teaching a class on coding.  Everyone starts out working through the tutorials at Code.org and students work at their own pace.  The kids really don't need much assistance in this part of the class as the people at Code.org have done an excellent job making the work engaging and understandable,  and the lessons build on one another.  While I expected the 5th grade students to be way out in front of the younger children I have found this to not be the case.  Many of our 3rd graders are keeping pace with the 5th grade class.

Code.org is accessible to everyone - go to the website, sign in, and try your hand at coding right along with the kids.  It's a lot of fun and will give you something to talk with your children about.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

2nd Grade Sculpture - Monochromatic Geometric Relief Sculptures

2nd grade sculpture students created these great works of art as their first project of the semester.
Since these works are monochromatic - one color - the students emphasized shadow to add interest.  Shape is a key design feature focusing on geometric designs of squares, triangles, or circles.  Finally, as they are intended to hang on the wall with no back to them, they are a relief sculpture.

So for 2nd grade and their first project the kids packed a lot of learning into a couple of classes.