Friday, October 3, 2014

2nd Grade Sculpture - Tunnel Book - Favorite Place Sculptures

Edgar's "The Park"

Jamie's "Yellowstone National Park"
The kids have been working on this project for a few weeks and we are approaching the end.  They thought about their favorite place in the world.  The students' picked grandma's house, Chuck E. Cheese, Six Flags, the Lego Store, Jamaica, and everything in between.  Then they made a list of everything they loved about that place.  They drew sketches and began making pieces to fill in the foreground, mid-ground, and background.

Today's learning target was "I can add final details to improve my artwork."   Students finished their mid-ground and background for their tunnel book sculptures and then added small details to make their artwork interesting and engaging.  I asked the kids how details in art are like details in writing, and they gave great responses.

"Details make a story more interesting and art too."
"Details make it so I can understand the story better.  Details in sculpture make it so I can understand the sculpture better."

Next week students will make a cover or finish up these details so we are ready for assembly of the tunnel books.

Other learning targets for this project have been:
  • I can plan for making art.
  • We are learning to use the foreground, mid-ground, and background.
  • I can add depth in my sculptures.

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